Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions shall form an integral part of the travel contract entered into between a customer and the Azeri Adventure Motorcycle Tours LLC\MMC Apartment 22, Building 48, Moscow Avenue, Nasimi district, Baku city, AZ1102, Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as AAMT) which the customers conclude with AAMT as the tour operator either directly or via an agent. Nevertheless, terms and conditions mentioned separately in different travel offers take priority. Please read the terms and conditions carefully.

AAMT’s agents, representatives and guides are representing AAMT, but are not parties to this contract, and are not responsible or liable for any failure to provide any service as may be described in our literature or pertaining to the contract.


Booking and Payment

By signing up for the tour with submission of the online booking form and payment of the tour deposit, the customer offers to AAMT to bindingly conclude a travel contract. AAMT cannot accept a participant without a signed booking form. The contract shall enter into force upon the written travel confirmation from AAMT. A deposit of 500 EUR per person for a guided is required at the time of booking. This deposit secures a place on the tour. Spots on the guided tours are limited and reservations are made on a first come basis.

The outstanding payment of the tour price shall be made without any additional request 60 days before the start of the tour, unless specified otherwise in the tour’s description. If full payment is not received by the specified due date, AAMT reserves the right to treat the reservation as cancelled and to charge a cancellation fee specified in these terms and conditions.


Tour Prices and Price Changes

The tour prices stated on the website and in literature are based on the itinerary provided on the website. All the participants shall pay the tour price. The customers participating in the tours as riders on the AAMT’s motorcycles shall pay the tour price for a rider according to the chosen motorcycle. A person who is using any of the services included in the tour and has not booked the tour with AAMT is considered to be a participant in the tour and shall pay the full tour price to AAMT.

Prices quoted by AAMT, its agents or publications are those in effect at the time of printing/publishing. On rare occasions, due to situations beyond AAMT’s control, AAMT reserves the right to change the tour prices at any time up to 60 days before the tour commences. AAMT reserves the right to correct typographical and calculation errors at any time.


Passport, Visa, Driving License and International Driving License

The customer undertakes to possess valid documents, which are required in order to participate in the tour: a passport, at least valid until 6 months after the end of the tour, a visa (where necessary), a national driving license and an international driving license (where necessary).

The customer is responsible for complying with passport and visa regulations of the respective visiting countries and takes full responsibility for consequences resulting from his/her non-compliance.

By completing the booking, the customer declares to possess a valid driving license for the duration of the tour and for the vehicle used in the tour. The customer shall inform AAMT without delay of any and all changes regarding his driving license which have an influence on tour participation (e.g. revocation of the driving license, etc.). If it turns out after the booking and before or during the tour that the customer does not have a valid driving license, AAMT shall be released from its obligation to continue to fulfil the contract by invoicing the cancellation rates indicated in these terms and conditions. In this case AAMT reserves the right to not provide the motorcycle and to exclude the customer from participating in the tour. AAMT shall not be obliged to reimburse paid services of any kind and shall not be liable for any additional costs which may be incurred by the customer due to this circumstance.

All non-European citizens are required to have an International driving license to drive in the European countries.


Cancellation Charge

In the case of a customer canceling the booking after confirmation, AAMT reserves the right to charge the cancellation fee based on the time of the cancellation.

Number of days prior to departureCancellation fee per person
More than 60 days50% of tour deposit
60 – 30 days65% of tour price
29 – 15 days75% of tour price
Less than 15 days before departure100% of the tour price

No exception to this policy can be made for any reason. Taking out a trip cancellation insurance is strongly recommended.

AAMT is not required to make refunds once the tour commences, regardless of the reason for the participant’s inability to complete his tour.


Tour Services

AAMT is responsible for providing the services listed in the tour descriptions according to the local standards. AAMT carefully selects and constantly monitors its contractors, such as village partners, hotels and restaurants. In case of a service not provided or provided defectively, the customer shall notify AAMT’s’ representative on the spot without delay. If the customer does not comply with this obligation, no claims for damages due to a lack of service or a defectively provided service are possible.

Situations and events beyond AAMT’s control (force majeure) may arise (e.g. road work, hotel closures, natural disasters or bad weather conditions, governmental orders, strikes, riots, war or war-like conditions, epidemics, etc.) which make it necessary for AAMT to reschedule or cancel a tour, change itineraries or make substitutions regarding hotels, cities, guides, tour routes and other travel arrangements. AAMT reserves the right to withdraw without prior notice any part or all of a tour or to make such changes as may be necessary, and the extra cost, if applicable, shall be paid by the customer. AAMT does not assume responsibility or liability for any resulting losses, expenses or inconvenience to the participant.


Local Provisions

The customer shall participate in the road traffic of the respective tour destination of his own responsibility and undertakes to observe the provisions of the local traffic regulations. If the customer does not comply with the traffic laws, AAMT reserves the right to revoke the contract and remove the customer’s rented motorcycle. All traffic tickets, penalties, administrative fines or similar sanctions, as well as damages to legally protected interests of third parties which are due to the non-compliance with the local traffic regulations, shall be paid by the customer. A service charge of 30 € per penalty will apply for passing rider’s information to the authorities.


Off-Road Driving

Off-road driving with motorcycles provided by AAMT shall not be permitted outside of the itinerary determined by AAMT. It shall neither be permitted to improperly use the rented motorcycle. The customer shall fully bear the damages caused by unauthorized off-road driving.


Own Responsibility and Ability Too Drive

The guide provided by AAMT determines a rough itinerary which the customer shall follow of his own responsibility and the customer shall be obliged to adjust his style of driving to the respective prevailing circumstances and his ability to drive. If the customer is unable to follow the itinerary, he shall stop to continue driving and inform the guide without delay.

Different participants take part in AAMT’s tours. Naturally, the driving skills of the individual participants differ, and the customer undertakes to show consideration for the other participants. If a participant does not have the necessary ability to drive and does not have full control over the motorcycle in order to drive safely, AAMT shall be released from its obligation to fulfill the contract. In this case AAMT reserves the right to remove the motorcycle and to exclude the customer from participating in the tour.


 Customer’s Conduct and Liability

Participants agree not to cause any damage to natural surroundings or third parties through their actions while riding their motorcycles. Participants agree to observe local traffic laws and practice safe group travel practices as described by the tour leader and the guidelines provided by AAMT. In the event that a participant repeatedly ignores rules or causes others to feel threatened by their actions, AAMT reserves the right to revoke this contract and remove the participant’s rental motorcycle.

The customer is liable for all personal and material damages he culpably causes and holds AAMT harmless from all claims of parties in connection with such damages. Damages culpably caused by the customer shall in particular, but not exclusively, be damages which are due to driving errors, a lack of ability to drive and, respectively, improper driving behavior (e.g. driving with the front wheel coming off the ground, non-compliance with safety distances, driving on walkways, etc.) and driving in a condition impairing the fitness to drive.

The customer shall not be allowed to consume alcohol or take medicine or other substances which influence the ability to drive during the riding day until the motorcycle is parked for the night. In case of non-compliance, AAMT reserves the right to revoke the contract and remove the participant’s rental motorcycle.

AAMT shall be released from its obligation to fulfill the contract if the customer, despite the warning, within the framework of a guided tour durably impairs the performance of the tour by grossly improper conduct or if participant’s ability to drive does not suffice. In this case, the participant shall be obliged to compensate the damage to AAMT.

It is agreed and understood that AAMT, its owners, agents and representatives on the tour are not the guardians of the participant’s safety and they cannot be held liable in any way for any occurrence in connection with any activity in connection with the tour which might result in injury, death or other damage to the participant, his property, his family, or heirs. AAMT is not responsible for any damage caused to third parties due to the participant’s activities during the tour. The liability of AAMT is limited to a total of three times the tour price irrespective of the title/claim.


Weather Conditions

AAMT makes an effort to schedule its tours at a time when the weather conditions in the respective tour regions are favorable for motorcycling. Many tours pass through areas where weather conditions can change abruptly. AAMT does not bear any responsibility for bad weather conditions which might occur; the participant is not entitled to a claim reimbursement for the tour and/or the rental price in such cases.


Data Protection and Copyright

The photographs and videos produced by representatives of AAMT during the tour are the property of AAMT under copyright law. AAMT shall be entitled to use this material for marketing and advertising purposes, including the images in which the participants can be recognized, without incurring any costs for AAMT owed to the participant. Participants who submit their photographs to AAMT agree to allow the use of their photographs by AAMT for marketing and advertising purposes.



AAMT recommends taking out an adequate travel, health and accident insurance policies as well as trip cancellation insurance.

It is recommended to the customer to not bring object of special value on the tours. It is further recommended to the customer to watch carefully over his or her personal belongings. AAMT is not responsible for lost or stolen items from its premises, motorcycles and their cases.

The customer is fully aware of the risks and dangers involved in the outdoor activities like swimming, white water rafting, rock climbing or any other activity potentially suggested as a supplemental activity on the tour and accepts full responsibility for participating in the activities.

Oral agreements with an agency of AAMT, with AAMT or with a tour guide of AAMT shall only be effective if they have been confirmed by AAMT in writing. Tour guides shall not be entitled to undertake activities which diverge from the travel contract concluded with AAMT. If individual provisions of these travel terms and conditions are legally invalid, this does not make the remaining provisions invalid.


Applicable Law

The contractual relationship of the customer with AAMT shall be governed by Azerbaijan law.
The place of performance shall be the registered office of AAMT.

All disputes arising from this agreement will be solved by the court of law in Baku, Azerbaijan.